How To Boost Your Homes Energy Efficiency

With gas and electric prices still rising we've spent the past year trying to boost our homes energy efficiency. Making your home more energy efficient will help to cut costs in the long run and make your home to be a warmer, more comfortable place to live in the cold winter months and cooler on hot summer days. There are many ways you can help to make your home more energy efficient some cost alot more than others such as upgrading your boiler or having various insulation added. 

With that said alot of us are on tight budgets us included so I'm sharing today ways you can boost your homes energy efficiency with ways that aren't going to cost you too much.


We are currently in the process of having internal wall insulation done. We are eligible to have it done thanks to the home energy upgrade scheme. If you are looking to do some of the bigger upgrades it's worthwhile seeing if you are eligible for something like this. We definitely wouldn't be able to afford to have it done ourselves right now. 
As well as grants for insulation it could be worthwhile finding out if you are eligible for a boiler upgrade or even solar panels.

Use a smart meter
If you don't already have a smart meter it is worth getting one. Although a smart meter won't cut down your usage and bills having one means you can keep track of energy used and how much it is costing you. This means that you can be better at managing your usage, cut down on wastage and in return save money in the long term.

Reduce energy consumption 
When it comes to reducing energy consumption here are some ideas below. You may even be already doing them:

- Turn down your  thermostat 
-  Lower your combi boiler flow 
- Take shorter showers
- Switch to energy saving lightbulbs 
- Turn off appliances instead of being on standby mode.
- Avoid using a tumble dryer when possible 
- Lower your radiator dial
- Choose a water efficient shower head 
There are lots more ways you can do this but these are just a few.

Simple DIYs
Here are some simple DIYs you can do that are cheap too:

- Draught proof your home in winter this involves simply filling in the gaps where cold air can enter your home – think: gaps around doors, windows, loft hatches, floor boards, fittings, cracks in walls and exposed pipework.  

- Invest in thick curtains to prevent heat escaping through windows and doors.

- Add rugs to your floors to keep your home warm underfoot.

- move furniture away from your radiators to allow the heat to disperse into the room.

Look into energy efficient appliance
When it comes to any appliances you need to replace big or small then worth looking into new ones with high energy ratings. This will not only reduce energy wasted when using them, but save you money on your bills.

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